Rudy Young created the Greeley Garage Sale Theatre in 2010. Young, a former professional actor, approached Family of Christ Presbyterian Church with the concept of a summer theatrical production on the church property, the proceeds of which would go to a local charity. The church approved, and the Greeley Garage Sale Theatre was born.
Rudy produced “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee that first summer. Using vacation days he had saved up for years, Rudy also built the temporary staging area in the field behind the church around an old elm tree.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” raised over $5,000 for the Weld Food Bank.
Each summer since then (except one!) we have produced a show to raise funds for organizations in our community that do the important work to provide everyone with the necessary resources to live a productive and dignified life.
The GGST is guided by a production council that selects the shows, the staff, and the partner organization.